No matter how you say it, donuts or doughnuts, Cookie Monster donuts made easily in the Donut Maker are adorable. Perfect for a Sesame Street party.
Cookie Monster donuts
What’s better than a donut? A Cookie Monster donut. Even better than better, a donut made in minutes in the BabyCakes Donut Maker.
If you don’t absolutely adore Cookie Monster (actually, let’s just go with all of Jim Henson’s creations) then we can’t be friends.
Then again, I grew up with The Muppets, The Fraggles and all the Muppet Movies, so I have monster puppets in the core of my being. If you need some hard evidence for his awesomeness, check out this video.
Even better, here is the first time Cookie Monster appeared:

Look how far he’s come. He now has deep thoughts.
more donut recipes
So how do we honor that fuzzy lovable guy? Start with donuts. These donuts are made with the Babycakes Donut Maker.
You can find an easy recipe for pancake mix donuts or another great Babycakes Donut recipe. You can also make 5-minute biscuit donuts in the Donut Maker.
Luckily, Cookie’s trademark blue fur is easy to recreate with the right decorating tip, specifically the “grass” tip. And I’m a candy eye junkie, so I always have those around. But I’m all about simple, easy, re-create-able. (By the way, looking for some easy Sesame Street cookies?)
How do you make Cookie Monster donuts?
you will need:
donuts (see above for recipes)
frosting (homemade buttercream frosting or store-bought)*
size 234 tip
disposable decorating bag
blue food coloring**
candy eyes
mini chocolate chip cookies (optional)
*If using a can of store-bought frosting, you may need to thicken the frosting with powdered sugar (a lot, up to a cup’s worth) until the frosting is of a consistency to keep its shape.
**I used a mixture of Sky Blue and Royal Blue food coloring, but if you only want to buy one, you only need the Royal Blue.
How to make Cookie Monster donuts:
Mix food coloring into the frosting to turn it the shade of blue you prefer (see note above about thickening store-bought frosting with powdered sugar, if needed).
Prepare the decorating bag with the tip and fill with the blue frosting. Close tightly with rubber bands.
Pipe Cookie’s fur on the donuts.
TIP: If the frosting isn’t sticking to the donut when you try and pipe and pull off, spread a very thin layer, so it’s nearly invisible, of frosting on the donut first. Immediately add the eyes. If using, add a piece of chocolate chip cookie. Let set.
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