liquor lollipops
Blogging is not overly lucrative if you don’t get millions of readers a month, or if you’re like me and bad at business. My other gig gets me more dough than here, but I assure you I’m not buying gold bath tubs and diamond studded shoes. Though to be fair, even if I had money, I probably wouldn’t buy those things. But the big benefit of my other gig is the cookbooks. I get so so very many cookbooks to review and giveaway. Dozens and dozens of cookbooks about cakes and cookies and baking and gingerbread houses and pies and tarts and keeping chickens (keeping bees, too). All these cookbooks, and I realized the other day I rarely actually use them. So I said, “Meaghan, stop bein’ a jerk and make somethin’ already!” Really, I said that.
And so naturally, I turned to liquor and made drunken lollipops.
Right now, I’m hosting a giveaway over at Edible Crafts… [UPDATE: This giveaway has ended.]
Given all the sweet things I make, how have I avoided candy for so long? I think it’s the thermometer thing. Temperatures are just so precise. And I’m imprecise. This book gave me the perfect opportunity to conquer my fear of candy. Especially when I spotted the “liquor lollipops” in the book.
Though you can use any hard alcohol, despite my aversion to even the thought of whiskey (thank you very much, Jim Beam and Georgetown University), I made my lollipops with some single malt scotch whiskey (I’m facing all kinds of aversions today). They really do have a “subtle and intriguing” flavor, as Wanat suggests, and I’m already thinking of my liquor-loving friends this Christmas. And they took almost no time at all to make, aside from waiting for the mixture to heat up to 300 degrees. I also learned you gotta work fast with candy. It starts to harden at lightening speed!
And as you can see, mine are, um, a little, shall we say… drunken? Yeah, “drunken” works on several levels. I didn’t have a lollipop mold so I attempted to pour little circles on a tray lined with parchment paper. If you down a quart of whiskey, I promise these will look like perfect circles. You might even see several of them.
Trish - Sweetology101 says
holy SHAT girl, I was just pondering something funny and cool I could make for my hubby's little bday party tonight and OFF I GO TO GET SOME BOOZE to do this and be a hero (elevated from my less than zero status most days). I don't know why but these (the first ones) remind me of ovaries. I'm weird.
the decorated cookie says
you're too hilarious… yes, get booze!
BellaLovesPink says
Drunken lollipops should look exactly like the ones you made. All they're missing are the googly eyes!!
the decorated cookie says
Awww man, and I have a whole new pack of googly eyes, too! (How did i not think of that?)
Wendy5420 says
Any shot you'd share that recipe? It's make such a good gift for my brother!
the decorated cookie says
Ah, Wendy, so sorry! Because I'm dealing directly with the publisher for the giveaway, I asked about including the recipe, and it's a copyright violation to reprint it (it's Wanat's, not mine).
Beth says
Wow! I want to make these! I was thinking they would be good with Cointreau (orange), or Tuaca (a vanilla and citrus brandy liqueur) would make festive ones. You could even make peppermint ones for christmas parties–they would make great party favors.
Katrina {In Katrina's Kitchen} says
I don't know why but this post had me cracking up! You're the best! And yes I agree with whoever said you should add a bunch of google eyes. Ha!