Halloween cupcake skewers! How to make mini Halloween cupcake pops (on a stick).

Halloween cupcake pops
I have no idea why I keep entering contests that I don’t have time to enter, but I just can’t resist. I had to enter the cupcake skewer contest over at Pizzazzerie. The contest, judged by Courtney Dial and the Pizzazzerie team as well as guest judge, bakerella (yes, bakerella), posed the simple challenge of making some creative cupcake skewers. We’ll find out in a few days who is the lucky winner. So I made these Halloween cupcake pops.
As it’s nearing October and I’m already surrounded by Halloweeness and a 3-year old who keeps asking if it’d time for Halloweeen yet, I chose my theme easily.
how to make cupcake skewers
I won’t take the slightest bit of credit for these. Click the cupcake for the cupcake skewer how-tos at Pizzazzerie.
what I did to mine
ONE Paint stripes on the lollipop sticks with orange and black acrylic craft paint.
TWO Add orange polka dot mini cupcake liners that I found at the craft store (after I baked them, so they weren’t greasy).
THREE Tint the frosting lime green (Americolor soft gel paste, Electric Green) and pipe it with a frosting bag fitted with a star tip.
FOUR Tint and roll out black fondant. I cut out tiny little shapes using the tiny little cutters from a Halloween linzer set I bought (more on that in another post).
FIVE The orange polka dot ribbon (also from Michaels) holds the cupcake on the stick.
Genevieve Le Bel says
Hi! Love your entries! I to entered Halloween cupcakes skewers! Good luck! Now following ur blog!Genevieve =)www.celebrate2da.com
Lora Joy says
I love this one! hehe! I wanted to enter too but the day I decided to do it was the last day of the contest so I had no time! Yours looks fabulous!!!!!!! This is great for Halloween Party!
I run for cake! says
Super cute skewers! Love how you used the cupcake liner still and painted the stick to fit with a halloween theme! I entered this contest too, it was such a great idea and definitely a hot new trend in the world of cupcakes!
J+S says
I love! I have an edible markers question: why won't mine write on my cake pops covered with Wilton candy melts? Help. :)~Jenifer
Chic Cookies says
thank you all! Jenifer-writing on candy melts can be like that sometimes because of the oils or whatever it is that's in them that prevents them from fully drying. Like trying to use a regular marker on a wet piece of paper. Did you let the melts totally dry overnight? While it works well to draw on hardened royal icing, fondant or marshmallows, or even confetti sprinkles and other harder surfaces, I try and avoid writing on candy melts, or write on them sparingly (like just dots for eyes, if you search for my hen cake pops on this blog, you'll see what I mean). If you must, let the melts dry at room temp overnight, hold the pens upright and try and use the tips!
Sue says
I like this a lot! It's kind of like cupcake toppers in reverse! CUTE! Good Luck!
Kristan says
I love these!! Too too cute.I have to say I way prefer cupcakes on skewers over something like meat or vegetables!!
Zoe says
love the idea. Very cute 😀
J+S says
Thanks for the info about writing on candy melts. My downfall is that I picked up a copy of the Betty Crocker little Halloween sweets book that Bakerella is in and I figured it was just be as easy as they made it look. Maybe she has some super secret edible markers or something. Mine are probably not the highest quality either. Guess I'll have to use fondant or mini chocolate chips next time. 🙂
Chic Cookies says
I was juuust talking to someone about the discrepancy between pics on books and magazines and the stuff in our own kitchens! I believe bakerella uses Americolor Gourmet Writers (I usually do, too). They are very marker-like, so easy to use, and the ink flows well. So that may be it. Also be sure not to refrigerate the pops with the candy melt coating! The condensation makes writing run.