melting snowman painted rocks

melting snowman painted rocks
- an assortment of rocks (large, flat-ish ones and small round ones for the head)
- paper towel dabbed in rubbing alcohol
- acrylic craft paint
- paint brushes
- spray sealant (optional)
- *Find the paint, brushes, and sealant at the craft store. You can even buy rocks at the craft store!
Wash your rocks in soapy water and let dry. I rubbed mine with alcohol so, in theory, the paint would adhere better. I'm not sure how necessary this step is.
Then, paint your rocks! For the solid white background color, you may need two to three coats of paint. After the white dried, I added the carrot, stick arms, and buttons. Let dry.
For longer lasting rocks, you can use a spray sealant on the dry paint. (I did NOT seal these shown.)
Melting snowman painted rocks
Need a fun winter activity for you and the kids? Or just you? Try making melting snowman painted rocks.
Rock painting is so easy, and you can be as creative as you want. Leave these melting snowman rocks out and about in the world to give others a little chuckle in their day.
Or, just paint them to decorate your own yard, garden, or indoor flower pots.
Need more rock painting ideas? Check out this roundup.
You know me and trends. (I’m always late to find them.)
So this whole painting rocks thing has been around for awhile, and I’m only just getting on board. My daughter and I decided a few weeks ago to head down to Rock Creek Park (within walking distance from my house here in Washington DC) to collect rocks to paint.
I finally pulled some out the other day to do some test painting.
more melting snowman ideas
Given my long history with melting snowmen, I started there. “Long history” means I, me, moi invented the very first melting snowman cookie back in 2008.
And then the guy went viral! Well, technically, other people’s versions of the cookie went viral until it’s now apparently considered a “popular holiday cookie,” so go me. Sort of.
I’ve also made melting snowman meringues, melting snowmen candy pops, melting snowmen from Airheads candy, simpler melting snowman cookies…
I can see why this rock painting is such a trend. I’m so making more. You have a great excuse to get outside (go collect rocks), it’s easy, it’s fun. Well done, people who make trends.
how to make melting snowman painted rocks
you will need:
- an assortment of rocks (large, flat-ish ones and small round ones for the head)
- paper towel dabbed in rubbing alcohol
- acrylic craft paint
- paint brushes
- spray sealant (optional)
*Find the paint, brushes, and sealant at the craft store. You can even buy rocks at the craft store!
what to do:
melting snowman painted rocks

melting snowman painted rocks
- an assortment of rocks (large, flat-ish ones and small round ones for the head)
- paper towel dabbed in rubbing alcohol
- acrylic craft paint
- paint brushes
- spray sealant (optional)
- *Find the paint, brushes, and sealant at the craft store. You can even buy rocks at the craft store!
Wash your rocks in soapy water and let dry. I rubbed mine with alcohol so, in theory, the paint would adhere better. I'm not sure how necessary this step is.
Then, paint your rocks! For the solid white background color, you may need two to three coats of paint. After the white dried, I added the carrot, stick arms, and buttons. Let dry.
For longer lasting rocks, you can use a spray sealant on the dry paint. (I did NOT seal these shown.)
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