Santa’s belly cookies on a stick– a cute homemade Christmas cookie idea
You kind of can’t have Christmas without the image of Santa’s belly shaking like a bowl full of jelly now, can you? And once you start thinking about Santa’s belly, you’re going to see it everywhere. Like these Santa’s belly glittery mason jars. So I’m adding Santa’s belly cookies to the mix.
how to make Santa’s belly cookie pops
you will need:
cut out cookie dough AND royal icing
knife or dough scraper
*Find lollipop sticks (6-inch), frosting bags, cookie and fondant cutters, couplers, decorating tips, and fondant in the baking aisle of the craft store. The cookie and/or fondant cutters may only be found in a set. For food coloring, I use Americolor soft gel pastes (Red, Super Black and Egg Yellow). For tips on finding cookie decorating supplies, click here.
step one: bake your cookies
Roll out chilled cookie dough about 3/8 inch thick. Cut out circles and place on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Insert lollipop sticks about half way into cookie.
Make sure there is no stick poking through the front or back and that the sticks don’t touch each other on the tray. Bake according to the recipe and let cool completely.
step two: prepare your frosting
Prepare frosting according to the recipe. Tint about a cup red. You may need more, but I usually work with a cup at a time for a whole batch.
Prepare a frosting bag with a coupler and tip. Fill with half of your red frosting and tie bag closed with a rubber band. Cover remaining frosting.
step three: decorate your background
Pipe a circle on the cookie and let set about 15 minutes.
Thin remaining frosting with drops of water until the consistency of thick glue. Fill an empty frosting bag, tie closed with a rubber band, and snip about 1/8 inch from the tip.
Loosely pipe the thinned frosting on the cookie, letting it flood to the edges and encouraging as needed with a toothpick. Let set very well, for several hours or overnight.
step four: add your belt
Take a chunk of fondant and tint black by adding a few drops of food coloring and kneading very well. Add more drops until desired color is achieved.
If fondant gets too sticky from overhandling, let sit at room temperature for 15 minutes until easily pliable.
Roll out fondant using confectioner’s sugar on the surface to prevent sticking. Cut a circle with the cutter used for the cookies, then cut a strip at the center with a sharp knife or a dough scraper. Using dabs of light corn syrup as glue, adhere to the cookie.
step five: add your buckle
Tint a chunk of fondant yellow and roll out as you did the black fondant.
For each buckle, cut out a 1/2 inch circle. Then use a knife or dough scraper to cut a 1-inch square around the cut-out square. (Of course, if you can find a 1 inch square cutter, then this would be much easier, but I don’t have one.) Adhere the buckle to the cookie with dabs of light corn syrup.
Kathy Martin says
How cute these cookie pops are!!! 🙂
Sue says
I LOVE it in cookie pop form! So cute! I may have to make some:)
Amanda says
LOVE!!! These are awesome, I will add a link from my jar post 🙂
Jenni says
Hilarious! These might have to be my cookies to Santa this year, because they match the ornaments on my tree! Mine look different than the ones you posted… they are sparkly, red, gold and black. I bought them last year and they were the inspiration for my Red Gold & Black tree theme this year!
Catalina says
That's pretty stinkin' cute. :)I am afraid of fondant though. heh are there any alternatives? 🙂
Paula says
So cute! Great idea.
Stephanie says
What a cute, clever idea! Great looking pops.
Chic Cookies says
Thank you all so much! Catalina, I used to fear fondant, too, but it's so easy to use (craft store/store-bought brand). My 3-year old adores it (it's all sugar), I'll never love the taste though. You can also use marzipan. Or an easier, homemade marshmallow fondant (search for it on my blog if you need a recipe). Or do they make black fruit roll ups?
Danielle says
So stinkin cute!!
Suzie says
I love these! I'm so in love with santa belts. I featured this on my blog.www.imlovinyourblog.blogspot.com
CraftCrave says
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the Cooking category today [04 Dec 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Zangari Studio says
Those are SO creative! I love these and can't wait to try to make them! I am definitely bringing these to my next cookie exchange party! Thanks for the fun idea and looking forward to more posts!
Mommyof2girlz says
Adorable pops!!!
Vibeke says
So sweet. I like your blog. Very nice things 🙂
Kendra@My Insanity says
Thanks for linking up to our incredible cookie party! I have been following your beautiful cookies for sometime, now! I wish I had your ease in working with fondant. I'm making a microphone shaped cake today! Wish me luck!These are great!
Ashley says
Those are too adorable! I have to say the stick makes them that much better. :)Thanks for adding these to the link party and posting it on Craft Gossip.Thanks again!Ashley
Rachel Lynn says
Too Cute!
bridget {bake at 350} says
Oh, darling!!! LOVE Santa's belly on a cookie pop! You are TOO good!!! A few years ago, I saw huge Santa belly paper lanterns…I see a whole Santa Belly themed party! 😉