Easy finger foods for babies.
finger foods
As many of you know, I have two (miracle of science) daughters. The whole feeding thing has been a huge struggle, and not just because my job surrounds me with sugary foods babies can’t eat. My first is the universe’s most picky eater. Seriously. Think you know a picky eater? Let her be the challenge. I don’t understand picky, since I ate anything you put in front of me as a kid. My second daughter is more like me. She’ll try anything. Only she’ll eat two bites then run off and destroy something. All this talk is to share with you my post over at Cheerios, which, incidentally, both my kids eat indiscriminately. I collected 9 pairs of early finger foods that help babies with new flavors and flavor combinations.
For the full post of early finger food pairings, click HERE to go to Cheerios.
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