These fun mini camping cookies are perfect to ship to your little campers. (Tips on how to ship cookies below!)
mini camping cookies
Wouldn’t you love to get these camping cookies in a care package?
Scroll to the end for tips on shipping cookies!
mini decorated cookies
I’m a huge fan of mini decorated cookies. While the smaller canvas can make for more difficult decorating, there are so many advantages to working on a pint-size scale.
The cookie cutters are so much cheaper. You get way more cookies out of a batch. Small cookies are easier to eat.
And most importantly, when giving as a gift, many, small cookies are easier to share than a few, large cookies. For this summer cookie idea, I made mini camping cookies.
cookie decorating basics
- To find cookie decorating supplies, click HERE.
- For basic cookie decorating how-tos, click HERE.
- If you need vegan cookies and icing recipes, click HERE.
- Take my course! Learn everything you need to know in less than an hour of video instruction with 27 pages of printables. Register at the Sugar Academy.
how to make camping cookies
ingredients and supplies you’ll need:
- cut-out sugar cookie dough
- royal icing recipe
- small circle cookie cutter (2 inches)
- triangle cookie cutter (2 1/2 inches)
- tree cookie cutter (3-inches)
- Americolor Soft Gel Pastes *
- disposable decorating bags
- couplers
- decorating tips size 2 and size 3
*Food colors used: Super Black, Bright White, Egg Yellow, Orange, Chocolate Brown, Leaf Green, Electric Purple and Peach
what to do:
Prepare the cookie dough according to the recipe. Chill it, roll it out, and cut out your shapes. To make the marshmallows on a stick, use a knife or dough scraper to cut out rectangles 3 inches long.
Prepare the royal icing, divide, and tint your colors. Assemble decorating bags with couplers and tips, fill with the icing, and close tightly with rubber bands.
Decorate the cookies, using a size 2 tip for finer detail and the 3 tip for broader areas. Let dry overnight.
To decorate the tent, outline with a 2 tip black. Fill the pegs with brown and the tent with purple using a 3 tip. Use a 2 tip to pipe feet.
To make the tree, pip a brown trunk with a 3 tip and pipe wavy lines of green using a 3 tip.
To decorate the s’mores sticks, pipe the brown stick with a 2 tip. Outline and fill marshmallows with a white 2 tip.
For the fire, outline and fill the logs with brown. Pipe light brown lines on top with a 2 tip. Outline the fire with orange and fill with 3 tip yellow.
how to package cookies
To package cookies, be sure to let them dry overnight first. Package in a cellophane bag tied tightly with ribbon.
how do you ship cookies?
To ship cookies, below are some tips. The beauty of decorated cookies is they are the perfect sweet to make ahead and ship.
- Let the cookies dry very well first, at least overnight. (Note, you should use royal icing, NOT buttercream frosting, which won’t dry as well.)
- Package the cookies individually in cello bags tied with ribbon or closed with tape.
- Find the smallest box you can to accommodate all your cookies (this may take some trial and error).
- If only shipping a few cookies, layer the bottom of the box with bubble wrap, then arrange the cookies in a single layer. Place popcorn in between the cookies, another layer of bubble wrap, then top with popcorn or crumpled tissue paper tightly.
- If shipping many cookies, stack cookies of the same shape and lay on their side on a layer of bubble wrap. Place popcorn in between the stacks, and bubble wrap on the sides of the box. Top with bubble wrap and fill all the gaps with popcorn or crumpled tissue paper.
- The key to successful shipping is to seal the box and shake it. You should hear NO MOVEMENT AT ALL in the box. Yes, it should be packed that tightly.
These camping cookies were originally posted in July 2012 and updated in July 2020.
Jill @ KitchenFunWithMy3Sons says
These are adorable Meaghan! Really love the tent!
Lisa {Sweet 2 Eat Baking} says
Oh my, these are so cute, Meaghan. I love how dinky they are, yet perfectly and beautifully decorated. I especially like the little toes popping out the tent!
teresa says
These are so cute I can barely stand it!
So adorable!
I heart anything that has to do with camping!
Love the way you photographed the cookies on the tree~tray.
ThisBakerGirlBlogs says
They look too cute! And thanks for the shipping advice – very helpful 🙂
Sarah-Lyn says
oh my goodness, LOVE! So sweet and I miss camping now lol … where do I get this book?
Annamaria @ bakewell junction says
These cookies look adorable. Nice photos too.
shelly (cookies and cups) says
These are adorable!
Tracy {Pale Yellow} says
Too cute! Great tips for packing!
anonymous says
great idea! Do you have any other ideas for patterns to ice the cookies? (other than the tree, marshmallow, tent, and fire) i love the feet by the way!
meaghanmountford says
Though I’m SO not a camper (ask my camping daughter), I’ve done sleeping bags, flashlights, lanterns, canoes, bears, hiking trail signs (dang, forgot about that one, that would be too cute)….
Sue {munchkin munchies} says
I can’t get over how CUTE these are, and small to boot! 🙂 Great tip about the popcorn~Thanks, Meaghan!
Ashley says
My boyfriend left a few weeks ago on his first deployment & one thing I’m doing during deployment is sending him a letter each week with 1 thing I can’t wait to do when he gets back. Camping is one of the things I plan on using & these cookies would be perfect to go with it.
I’m not 100% sure how long packages will take to reach him (just send his 1st one today), but I’m guessing 2-3 weeks. Do you think these would last that long?
meaghanmountford says
Hi Ashley,
As I started reading your comment, that was my first thought! These cookies DO last much longer than drop cookies, like chocolate chips. I usually say about a week for best freshness. You might be able to squeeze out a few weeks, though they will be a little dry. But I did ship decorated cookies to my husband when he was in Iraq (I think it took a couple weeks, it really depends on where they are going), and they were still enjoyed! All the best to you and your boyfriend!!
Glory/ Glorious Treats says
These are just so cute!!
Karen @ Sugartown Sweets says
Really, really cute cookies! So the bare feet. 🙂
Ashley says
Thanks Meaghan! I think I may try making a batch, letting them sit in my house for a couple weeks & then having a little taste test. If they aren’t incredibly dry after that, I’ll make another batch to send to him.
I think it’s mostly the thought that counts anyways when it comes to our guys overseas getting packages, so I’m sure he’ll love them dry or not.
meaghanmountford says
Good call Ashley. And I agree about the thought that counts, especially sending them overseas. I remember the cookies and anything homemade were the biggest hits. (A little taste o’ home far away, you know?)
TL Marchand says
AWESOME! Alexandra sent us a note that reads…
“Aunt Greg and Uncle Meaghan 🙂 sent me cookies. Tell them not to send me anymore.
LOL!! I hope the girls in Maine enjoyed them!
Katy Belle says
Outstanding! Can’t wait to make these for my Boy Scouts! Mine won’t be so pretty…but its the thought that counts!
kaholly says
These are TOO cute!!