wildflower cookies
I volunteered to make personalized cookies for all the teachers at my daughter’s school for Teacher Appreciation Week.
Before I get too many “wow, you’re amazing”s (wait, I should be getting those anyway), there are a mere eight teachers, so this task was not dramatic.
The classes are named after flowers–buttercups, poppies and dandelions–so I made a bunch of those, too and then arranged some as flower cookie bouquets.
Only as I was walking outside today and spotted buttercups scattered on the field and dandelions scattered on my, um, lawn, did I realize that these flowers have a theme.
They are all wild. And so it suddenly makes sense why one would dub rooms full of toddlers “buttercups,” “poppies,” and “dandelions.” Wild, indeed. Wildflower cookies!
decorated cookie gifts
All of these non-flower cookies represent likes and interests of the teachers. I love cookies as gifts.
They are just so dang perfect for every occasion. They are consumable (so take up no space), personalize-able (so meaningful), and relatively inexpensive to make (not counting hours, compared to things like jewelry).
how to decorate wildflower cookies
I made my sugar cookie dough and cut out circles with a 2-inch circle cookie cutter.
I made my royal icing, divided, and used Americolor soft gel pastes (Egg Yellow, Red Red, Chocolate Brown, Super Black and Lime Green) to make two shades of yellow, red, dark brown, black and lime green.
Then I prepared disposable decorating bags with couplers and size “2,” “3,” and “4” tips, filled with icing, and closed tightly with rubber bands.
Find cookie decorating supplies HERE.
Decorate the cookies and let set overnight to dry.
To decorate buttercups…
Outline the flower with the darker yellow using a size “3” tip. Let set about fifteen minutes, then fill with the lighter yellow using a size “4” tip.
When set, pipe dots with lime green using a size “2” tip. Pipe a lime green stem with a size “3” tip.
To decorate poppies…
Outline the flower with red using a size “3” tip. In the center, pipe a big dot with the dark brown using a size “3” tip. Let set and fill in the flower with red using a size “4” tip.
When set, pipe dots in black using a “2” tip and pipe the stem with the lime green “3” tip.
To decorate dandelions…
Pipe the base with lime green using a “3” tip (a sort of bulb with a couple curly lines).
With one of the yellows fitted with a “3” tip, start at the green base and pipe lines back and forth in a fan shape. Let set and repeat with the other yellow fitted with a “2” tip.
Beth says
I bet the teachers loved them, they are beautiful! I really like the poppy cookies–they would be great for a wizard of oz themed tea or party (the things you think about when you have a five year old girl talking in your house all day!).
Chic Cookies says
Maeve was very into the Wizard of Oz last year (at age 2, I know, bad parenting. I fast forwarded the scary parts). I was hoping it'd stick for her birthday party, but no such luck, sigh.
Lorraine says
These are amazing. I love the arrangement for the director and the container. I love how you did the different shades of blue on the swimming cookie and the detail is awesome. My sons watched Wizard of Oz over Easter and now they run around saying, "I'll get you my pretty!" They love the Wicked Witch of course!
Trish - Sweetology101 says
Super duper allie-oper cute. I would like to fall asleep after EATING a field of poppy cookies. …boy one better watch how the spell "poppy" pretty close. Cheers!
Sue says
They all look so fantastic! I love the pretty flower cookies, and I'm sure all the teachers did too!