Harry Potter marshmallows
I figure I better jump on the Harry Potter bandwagon (Hogwarts train?) with these Harry Potter marshmallows before he’s forgotten again. Nay, never forgotten. I know those people who say they’ve been fans since the first hardcover book was published in, what was it, ’98? But I’ve been a fan since the first hardcover book was published in ’98. And I was 26 years old at the time. I even snagged a copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone when I was in England in ’01, just to have the British version. So yeah, Harry Potter marshmallows will happen.
However, I’ve seen a only a few of the movies, and while I’m sure I’ll catch up on Netflix one day, I’m in no rush to see the last visual chapter. Not because I’m averse to the movies. I think they’ve been brilliant. But because on the rare occasion I go out since my kid was born four years ago, I go shoot pool or salsa instead. It’s merely a preference.
But the current craze is inspiring me to pick up Book One again and start all over. Did I mention I have every book, first edition, hardcovers? Once I finish my upteenth time reading the Philip Pullman series, His Dark Materials, I’ll start again with the Sorcerer’s Stone. (You think I can yak on about Harry Potter, do not even get me started on The Golden Compass. And really don’t get me started on how I feel about that movie, sigh.)
how to make Harry Potter marshmallow art
Oh right, these pictures. So I pulled out my edible markers and my marshmallows and paid homage to Harry et al. For more info on edible markers and drawing on food, click HERE.
Lori Ann says
ABsolutely FABulous!!! Seriously, those are freaking' amazing. Stick a stick in them, take them to a craft fair, and watch the moms dole out $$$$ for screaming Potter Babies. 🙂 Maybe it's me, but I couldn't find the how-to….I'll check again. Love how you even shaded them with the paint….you are a genius. And the freckles for Ron! teehee. :)I hear you about the Golden Compass movie. Haven't read the books, but the movie was soooo bad….2 hours of my life I will never get back! I doubt they'll make the next movie, as the 1st sucked so badly. Alas. HATE when they kill good books!!
Chic Cookies says
Now if I had any business sense at all, I'd hit the fairs! I didn't make up a step-by-step how-to. If you follow the link at the end, it goes to a post all about the markers I use, tips on how to draw with them, etc. All I did was draw with the markers. Hoping just the close-up views are enough guidance!
Chic Cookies says
PS. The Golden Compass book is my all time favorite. Don't let the bad taste of the movie keep you from it! Oh, it's so brilliant.
Trish - Sweetology101 says
Who his Harry Potter? JK. Love the detail on the mallows….I feel LAME having not contributed to HP mania so to console myself I will eat some marshmallows.
AC says
I love that not only do you love the Harry Potter series that you love the Phillip Pullman series too. I love both of them and sometimes people look at me weird. 🙂
Linda V @ Bubble and Sweet says
Super cute HP marshmallows. Your sooooo neat with your drawing.
Alex says
these are just amazing. such talent!
Cakebrain says
Wish I were so talented as you with a bunch of food markers! I can bately manage drawing eyeballs for my cakepops!
Meg@MegaCrafty says
Super cute! I especially love the numbers, the rounded serif came out really nice.
Amanda says
OMG these Harry Potter Marshmallows are so adorible!!! my favorite ones would have to be the Harry, Ron, and Harmioni marshmallows.(not sure if it's spelled right lol). What did you use to draw them on the marshmallows?
Chic Cookies says
Amanda, I used mostly FooDoodler fine line markers (not the thick one, the ten pack of fine line). If you click the link at the way end of the post there, I have all kinds of info on those markers and where to find 'em!
Jenn @ BentoForKidlet says
Love these!!!! I was 15 when the books were first published and sadly I was not an immediate fan :/ But I soon became hooked and my son and I both grew up with Harry Potter! I took him to the last two midnight showings. Of course the movies will never touch the amazingness of the books…but they are a great visual addition :DSince my son turns 11 in December we're having a huge HP birthday party for him. I will be adding these marshmallows to the growing list of must make items!
pointyebt says
Heh, as an English person, dont' get me started on the stupid US title of 'The Golden Compass' :PLoving the mallows… I envy you your ability to draw on these. I can't draw on paper! Did you use a stensil for the numbers on the platform one?
Haniela says
omg these are so cool.I hope you are feeling better, having a nice Summer now.
Chic Cookies says
I also got a copy of Northern Lights in england so I'd have both!No stencil, just slow drawing.
Alia Dalwai says
Hi!Im your new follower!Oh My God! These are absolutely fabulous! You are very creative! You should start a confectionery store. You'd become a millionaire! 🙂
pointyebt says
At least the contents of Northern Lights wasn't changed for the US release (the title 'The Golden Compass' does fit better with the other two titles in the trilogy, but did it really need simplifying?). I still don't get why the HP book needed it's title changing.
Chic Cookies says
Exactly. I do kinda like Golden Compass rename for parallelism with the other 2 volumes. But Philosopher to Sorcerer? Apparently, there was the assumption we Americans couldn't grasp the intended meaning of "Philosopher" since here since in America, "philosophy" is concerned with ethics, logic, etc., and has nothing to do with magic. But I think we could've gone with the flow a bit on that one!
Sue says
I just love your marshmallow art! These are just perfect! I know tons of people that would line up for them:)
Morag Lee says
Hahaha, those are awesome! x