marshmallow love bugs
Remember when I made this sewing themed gingerbread cottage in cahoots with Cheryl at Sew Can Do? And how I love challenges and parameters? (I may not have mentioned that, but I do.)
We had such fun with our sweet vs. sewn Christmas challenge, we decided to have a go at Valentine’s Day with new themes. Yes, I said themes as in plural. We have even more goodness coming your way next week.
This week, our theme is: LOVE BUGS!!
I have to give you a sneak peek at Cheryl’s ridiculously adorable love bug hat and onesie worn by a ridiculously adorable love bug.
Wow, I wish I could sew to be surrounded by such cuteness all the time. Please, please, check out Cheryl’s etsy shop, The Green Hedgehog. (Ridiculously adorable baby not for sale, but the love bug hat is.)
Check back tomorrow for Cheryl’s guest post featuring her love bug creations!
how to make marshmallow love bugs
what to do:
Slide two marshmallows (or three) on a lollipop stick.
It helps immensely if you grease the lollipop stick first with shortening.
Fill a deep bowl or cup with water. Dip the marshmallows in and remove quickly, dabbing excess water on a paper towel.
Hold the wet marshmallows over a bowl or plate and sprinkle generously to coat with the sprinkles. Rest the stick of marshmallows on a piece of wax paper.
Use the marker to add two black dots to two white heart sprinkles.
Use a toothpick to dab dots of corn syrup on the back of the eyes to adhere to the marshmallows. Add a red heart sprinkle to the lower marshmallow.
Let the marshmallows lay on the wax paper until the eyes and heart set.
Cut two mini gum drops in half horizontally with a sharp knife.
Use a small piece of dried spaghetti, about 1-inch long, to skewer the top half of the gum drop and attach to the top of the bug’s head.
Roll a large gumdrop with a rolling pin on a surface dusted generously with granulated sugar.
Roll about 1/4 inch thick. Cut out two mini hearts.
Skewer the hearts with another small piece of dried spaghetti and attach to the bug’s body for wings. Prop in a Sytrofoam block to fully dry.
Ashley says
These are completely adorable! I actually featured them on my blog as part of my Fabulous Finds Craft and Recipe Round-Up: Valentine’s Edition! Just thought you’d like to know, and thanks for the awesome idea!https://veaterfam.blogspot.com/2011/02/fabulous-finds-craft-and-recipe-round.html
Rachael says
I wonder if you could use those little pink marshmallow hearts for the little bug wings for those who don't have a mini heart cutter. Our Walmart has them out now. Very cute idea! Love it!
Chic Cookies says
Definitely Rachael! As I was making them I thought of a million better things for wings but didn't have the foresight standing in the store! Plus that'd save the hassle of rolling and cutting out!
MyKidsMake says
soo fun!!!! what a great idea.
Stefanie says
LOVE these! I will be highlighting this post as well as putting in a little plug for your book on my website this friday! You will be able to find that post on friday at
meaghanmountford says
Thank you so much Stefanie! Looking forward to the roundup 🙂 !
Rose says
I wonder if you could use those old-fashioned candy cigarettes or cut a strip of a Twizzler for the antennae stems. My son and I are making these for his class V-Day party.
Sarah (Canterbury Cakes) says
These love bugs are so cute – I saw them on mybakingaddiction and had to come over. I think my kids would really love to have a go at making them. Thanks for sharing.
Katie says
I made these as cupcake toppers for my son’s preschool Valentine’s party. They are adorable! I used the bottom, unused portion of the gum drop to make the heart wings. I squished them into a circle with my fingers, pressed them into sugar,and then formed them into wings by hand. No rolling pin or cookie cutter and they still came out great. Thanks for the idea, my kids LOVE them!! I wanted to post a picture but don’t know how.
meaghanmountford says
Katie, I’m going to email you now. I’d love to see a picture! If you like, you can send one along to submit to my Sweet Treat Friday. I’m posting reader pics up on my facebook page (and then you get an automatic entry into the giveaway for the layer cake shop gift certificate). My email is: thedecoratedcookie@gmail.com
Rose says
Twizzlers work for the antennae and to get the wings on. We did pink and red sugar coatings. My son also did most of the work on a “garden” for the bugs – a white basket with foam blocks and paper grass, and foam bug and flower stickers on toothpicks. I’ll send you a photo. He’s very proud!
Shannon says
These are great! I am wondering how long they last? Should they be in plastic??
meaghanmountford says
Shannon, while the sprinkles coating actually makes these last longer than if you left plain marshmallows out in the air, I would place these in a single layer on a piece of parchment paper in a big Tupperware if you have it. Or large Ziplocs!
Dineka says
Thanks for a wonderful idea! I put a link to these in my blog and modified them just a little to use as class treats. Your stuff is always amazing and your drawings are so cute!
Priya says
Very cute idea!! I am feature this in my Vantine’s Day crafts round up. Hope it is OK! Thanks!
meaghanmountford says
Sounds great Priya, thank you!!
Shannon says
Hi. I just wanted to check in and see if it was okay if I included this post on my round up on Valentine’s Day food crafts and activities on www.Joyintheworks.com? I hope so because this is the perfect fit! Thanks.
meaghanmountford says
Hi Shannon, Sure! I’d be honored to be included. Thank you!! Meaghan