Painted sunflower cookies
These painted sunflower cookies on a stick are a throwback to 1997. I pulled out my little round brushes, my “palette” (ie egg carton), my “paints” (ie food coloring) and painted the same sunflowers I painted years ago (minus the post-surgery pain killers).
1997 was a bizarre year for me. I needed a series of major surgeries, so I took the whole year off, moved in with my mom, and spent much of the year in and out of hospitals. But it wasn’t all bad.
I had this sanctioned year off with no responsibilities, no kids, no job, just TV watching and crafting. When else in life can one do this? I took classes on decorative painting, found old glass jars, and went nuts with my acrylic enamels. Every single time I spot Renee’s work, I think of this year of leisure (minus her talent).
For more cookie painting ideas, check out these watercolor flower cookies or these get well cookies. I also love these birdhouse cookies.
UPDATE: My sister was terribly offended I also failed to mention the other bonus of this year: Traveling with my wonderful and beautiful sister to London and Paris. Yes. Between major surgeries. (She carried my bags.)
how to make painted cookies
To make these, I just used my cookie recipe, chilled, rolled out, cut out squares, inserted sticks, and baked. I mixed up my royal icing, tinted light blue with Americolor soft gel paste, Sky Blue, and flooded the squares with the icing. I let the cookies dry overnight.
Then, I poured a few drops of food coloring on a palette (Egg Yellow, Electric Green, Leaf Green and Chocolate Brown), mixed each with a couple drops of white food coloring, and painted away.
My kid also pulled out her camera and took some pictures. I think the first one of the off-center Easter Bunny Pez dispenser is a reflection of existential angst and the feeling of meaningless in the over commercialization of culture.
manda says
These are so cute.
Linda V @ Bubble and Sweet says
Well if that isn't a case of when life gives you lemons you make lemonade. What a great achievement from a year that obviously would have had some trying times. Cute photo's the kids took, my kids setup the funniest shots as well. I guess it's their interpretation of what I do, kinda flattering.
SweetSugarBelle says
These are truly beautiful…im so amazed with Renee myself…I just got a tile myself 🙂
Trish - Sweetology101 says
I am CONFIDENT, that strong people are given tough challenges because we CAN prevail as those meeker and weak would succumb, I hold on to that during the tough days…….you have had some medical challenges obviously but you have planted more flowers than just those on your cookies…you have planted a lot of joy in many peoples likes (Like mine!) with your cookies, tutorials and easy going and easy to follow posts. It is hard to put into words but I hope you get my point. Also GLAD I can get the email updates! YIPEE!!
Lorraine says
Wow! I love these. Cannot wait to try them. I think your daughter is very talented. These cookies seem like a positive outlet during a difficult time.
Kudos Kitchen says
I'm honored and thrilled that you made such a major shout out to me Meaghan. Thank you so very much. These painted sunflower cookies are just adorable! I am always in awe of your talents and creativity too. It's funny how life's challenges can sometimes bring the best rewards 🙂 Thanks again and wishing you continued good health!
Misbah says
Thx for shareing your storie with us. beutiful cookies.
Pink Little Cake says
These cookies are beautiful. Wow it seems that you have been through a lot with you health, but I am so glad you are over that episode and feeling better.The pictures of your little one are super cute. Do you mind recomending me a camera for my little one? her birthday is in a few weeks and she would love a gift like that since she always wants to play with mine.
Chic Cookies says
We just got her the vtech camera. As you can see, not high end photography at all, but does the job and acts like a real camera. And the price was right: https://amzn.to/oPY9T2
Sue says
As a fellow sunflower-lover, I LOVE these cookies! Meaghan, you are one tough (talented) cookie! Love the budding photographer photos:)