Marshmallow art for you, this time Dr. Seuss marshmallows.
Dr. Seuss marshmallows
Hosting a Dr. Seuss party? Or just love children’s literature? Whip up some marshmallow art and make Dr. Seuss marshmallows.
Little trivia about yours truly, I originally wanted to write for children. Back when I started submitting manuscripts, I submitted children’s (um, eight years ago, maybe even longer, so for anyone who thinks “how did SHE get handed a book deal?” The answer is, “Eight years of submitting.”). I wrote a children’s novel for my MFA in Literature (The answer is, “Nah, it’s not very good.”) and focused on children’s for my other Masters. If I could lead a parallel life I’d be earning a phD in Children’s Literature somewhere in England. When I studied at Oxford for a summer back in ’01, I tried to stalk my favorite author, Philip Pullman (you know, His Dark Materials trilogy?) but I was not a good stalker and never even came close.
When I actually step away from the computer long enough to read a book, it’s almost always a novel for children. I read incessantly growing up, from picture books to Early Readers, to Laura Ingalls Wilder, to Nancy Drew (my grandmother’s originals from the ’30s), to any book with a little apple on the spine, to every single Judy Blume book (I AM a child of the ’70s and ’80s after all). Hence, my pride to learn my husband won his elementary school most-books-read-in-a-year award. I think he got to over 200, including Are You There God, It’s Me, Margaret?.
So I just had to get on the Dr. Seuss/birthday/Lorax bandwagon. If you’ve not heard, The Lorax is about to hit theaters. So I pulled out my marshmallows and edible writers, aka food decorating pens. I’ll quote from my post here, when I say that “I love that my daughter takes Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax to heart with sincere concern for the loss of the Truffula trees. It demonstrates Dr. Seuss’s genius, too, to convey such a weighty environmental concern so efficiently and neatly.” {SPOILER ALERT} At the end, after the last seed is flung from the window, I have to go back to the earlier pages with the plentiful Truffula trees to show her what the future holds or she’d be too upset at their loss.
I love books and kids.What a perfect combination.
more ideas for drawing on food
So now you have all those food coloring pens. What next? Here are some more marshmallow ideas.
- peacock marshmallows
- marimekko marshmallows
- Star Wars droid marshmallows
- kawaii marshmallows
- Snoopy marshmallows
- kitty cat marshmallows
Sue @ Cakeballs, cookies and more says
I wish I could draw like you, i am lucky to get a stick person when I draw.
Amanda @ foodfascinations says
These are fantastic!
Carrie, A Sweet Spot: Home says
Such fun!! What a great way to celebrate a great author and a great book.
susan@pocacosa says
these are fantastic!
Karina says
these are amazing!
The Partiologist says
Love the marshmallow art!
Nina says
These are my favorite marshmallows of yours (so far!) We love Dr. Seuss books and read them often at the request of our 2-year-old daughter.
michelle says
yay! love these….i love you did the yertle turtles too! (agree dr seuss is the bomb)…ok i had to adjust some of the wording in thidwick the big hearted moose, but all in all the stories work all these years later—the kids love it.
Mommyof2Girlz/StephD says
So fabulous, just love your constant creativity and wonderful talent!
Karen @ Sugartown Sweets says
I too was an avid reader as a child. I read SO many looks like we both read a lot of the same ones! I was always a couple of grade levels ahead of my classmates (only in reading!) I was also a “media midget” in 5th & 6th grade! Ahhh, the memories! ..before i forget, i love the painted marshmallows! :o)
Brenda (SweetSimpleStuff) says
You sure are quite the artist!
Paula says
I love all of these! I just did Lorax sugar cookies today!
Sue says
Meaghan, You are so talented! I have no doubt that you could publish a children’s book someday! Your marshmallows are perfectly adorable:)
I LOVED the public library when I was a kid, spent many hours there, and lugged a boatload of books home after each visit.
Sarah (Canterbury Cakes) says
These are amazing. You are so talented. I saw an ad for The Lorax in 3D at the cinema recently and it looked amazing. Although I’m familiar with Dr Seuss, I didn’t know this story & can’t wait to take my son to see it as I know I’ll enjoy it as much as him!
Posie Patchwork says
Oh i love that your husband is a reader too, mine as well, makes for good soldiering down times. Love Posie
Carrie - Carrie's Creations says
Love these! Would it be okay if I included your mallows in a Lorax Roundup I will be doing on my blog?
Tiffany @ Fizzy Party says
Wow! you are an amazing artist. If I tried to draw these you’d think a kid did it 🙂
Lisa @ Sweet 2 Eat Baking says
Artistic and cute. Kids must just flock to you 🙂
meaghanmountford says
Lisa, my brother calls me “Mother Goose” (I tend to be the one hangin’ with all the kids at parties.)
Megan says
The Dr Seuss mallows are fantastic. Well done!